Have you thought about banking your baby’s cord blood? In theory, saving and storing the blood from your baby’s umbilical cord at birth could help the child or other close relatives overcome illness, blood disorders, cancer and disease later in life when required – it is a sort of biological family insurance. You can make the donation to a public or a private facility that banks cord blood.

If you do decide to do this, you will be required to make a decision in the near future. Many public banks require you to make an application before the 34th week of gestation. Critics of cord blood banking however are of the view that this practice could be detrimental to the interests of the baby. So take an informed decision only after examining all facts and eventualities.

Changes in the baby

Baby is likely to be about one and a half pounds in weight. Your baby is gaining what is known as brown fat now – which is very important for maintaining body temperature when the womb’s protective environment is no longer there and baby has to manage on its own.

  • Your baby is now growing hair, and if you could take a sneak peek you may know what color hair your baby will have.
  • Baby will now recognize your voice and may even react to it.

Changes in the mom to be

You are now getting bigger. You may still be able to see your toes but not as easily as before and you certainly cannot move about as gracefully as you used to.

  • Pregnancy issues such as constipation and hemorrhoids could become a problem.
  • Heartburn and perhaps nausea could be a problem for pregnant women in the later part of pregnancy as the growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach.

Tips for the 25th Week

While you should keep active, don’t overdo it. Listen to your body if it tells you to slow down or to take it easy.

  • Don’t lie on your back; avoid exercises that do. Also avoid very strenuous exercises and contact sports.
  • Book yourself in for a dental check up and take great care of your teeth. Teeth more vulnerable during pregnancy and you will need to take better care if you’re not to lose a tooth for each pregnancy. Also, good dental health is linked to longer pregnancies and lower incidences of premature labor.