Couples who have been eagerly waiting for the baby to come into their life, but are not successful even though they have clean bill on fertility issues, can improve the chances of pregnancy by making few simple changes in their approach.
The first step for the couple who are trying to have baby should be to avoid anything that is harmful for fertility. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, overweight, bad dietary habits and other deterrents should be avoided at any cost.
By following some good tips, the couple will increase their chances of having a baby soon enough.
Change the lifestyle

Smoking, drinking and using drugs can not only affect the fertility of the couple, but also affect the health of the fetus if conceived. Couple who are planning for a baby should give up on the habits that may affect the unborn baby or their fertility. Healthy diet, moderate exercise and love go a long way in increasing the chances of pregnancy and health of the baby.
Have right approach to sex
Enjoying sex and doing it often is one of the sure success methods of getting pregnant. Having sex thrice a week is considered to cover up all the bases to secure pregnancy. By keeping track of body temperature, a woman can know when she is ovulating. As the sperm has longer life then the egg, it is better to have sex 2 to 3 days before ovulation. Sex positions that help retain the sperm inside the vagina for a longer period are more helpful than those with woman on top.
Maintain healthy weight
Research has shown that fertility declines in women who are either overweight or underweight; therefore it is important to maintain healthy weight for conception. This will go a long way in the healthy development of baby during pregnancy too. An overweight woman need not go on crash diet to lose lots of weight to conceive, as losing nearly 7% of body weight increases chances of ovulation in women who previously had ovulation problems.
Keep tab on emotions
Emotional stress in either one of the partners is going to affect their fertility. When under stress, the hormone progesterone will convert into cortisol which is harmful stress hormone. Moreover, stress during pregnancy will deprive the baby of progesterone to meet the cortisol needs of the mother. Deprivation of progesterone will increase the levels of estrogen, disrupting the menstrual cycle, ovulation and fertility of the woman.
Keep track of the ovulation timings
Simple things like observing body temperature and cervical mucus will give an idea to the woman as to when she is ovulating. There are also ovulation prediction kits available in the market that will help predict the ovulation accurately. As the woman can conceive only once during a month when she ovulates, knowing the right time will boost her chances of pregnancy if she does have sex at this time.
Avoid anti fertility products
Lubricants are known to be spermicidal which will reduce the couple’s chances at having a baby. It is best to rely on natural lubrication for higher chances of conceiving. Also, being exposed to environmental toxins, agricultural pesticides, and other toxins and solvents present in specific environments will unfavorably affect the fertility of a woman.